Tag Archives: family photos

Norman Family Photos | East Texas Photographer |Kilgore Tx Photographer | Family Photographer

I’m so lucky to have such beautiful family!  My cousin and her family not only are just pretty people but she always has their outfits color coordinated so well.

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Weiss Family | Tyler Tx Photographer, Heather Evans Photography


You would’t know it by looking at these photos but it was a frigidly cold day.  We had great weather a few days before but apparently an arctic blast moved in and we were all shivering.  But they were such a good sport.  I shot this session quick to keep us all form getting frost bite.  haha. Thanks to Melisia and her family for trusting me with their family portraits each year.  Repeat clients are a blessing!!  2014-12-28_0023




Norman Beach Session | Longview, Texas Photographer, Family Photographer


Not only do we love vacationing with our cousins, but it also means I get to do their family photos. We all love Destin and the white sandy beaches but also the beautiful blue water.  Jessica is so good at color coordinating what they wear for the perfect pictures!  Love them!!2014-12-28_0018http://www.heatherevansphotography.com



Stanley Family | Family Photographer, Arp, Tyler, Henderson, Kilgore

The Stanley Family had such a great home and land to do their session.  And a couple cute boys in pink too!!  😉






The Soell Family ~ Henderson, Tx | Henderson, Tx Family Photographer

I just love Brittnie and her family! Those girls are just too cute!!


How to hang your photos by Heather Evans Photography

So, I’m sitting at bible study this morning and as I’m looking around admiring the house we are in, I can’t help but notice that there aren’t any family photos on the wall.  They have a beautiful home, vaulted ceilings, and room for a photo, but it’s just not there.  Then I started thinking, wow, at every house we’ve been at each week, that is the first thing I do is look for photos on the wall.  I know it’s just the photographer in me but it is that, that inspired me to do this blog post.  

Sometimes I think people don’t want to hang photos because they aren’t sure how, other times I think its because they don’t want family photos because they want to lose weight, or let their hair grow out or some other silly reason.  Either way, there is nothing prettier than seeing a family portrait up in a home.  Not only does it bring life to the walls but it makes the house feel “homey”, if that makes sense.

So for those of you out there that haven’t had portraits done because of some silly reason, I’m going to gripe at you for second.  GET THEM TAKEN!!  Years from now whether you are the same weight or still have the same hair or if everything about you is totally different, you’ll be glad you have something to look back on and mark that moment in time.  Trust me, your kids aren’t going to look at the photo and say, ‘Wow Mom, you had some crazy hair going on in that picture!” or maybe they will but by then it will be funny!  haha

If you are needing help hanging photos on the wall, my first piece of advise is go BIG!!  I’ve never had a client say, I wish I would have gotten a smaller canvas.  But I have had them say, Man I wish I would have gone a little bigger.  Trust me on this one!!  

If you haven’t already, check this link to my pinterest page.

It shows tons of different ways to hang photos.  The one I love the most is where you actually tape paper to the wall to see how you want the photos displayed, and then just hang them in that spot.  That is for anyone out there that is a visual person like me.  I like to be able to see how it will look before I start punching holes in the wall.   

I hope this helps those of you who still have cd’s sitting in a drawer somewhere.  😉

