Tag Archives: blog post

Blogging…I WILL do better! by Heather Evans Photography

Ok, so they say that the first step is to admit when you have a problem, right?  Well I’ll admit, I’m terrible about blogging.  I’ll do good for a month, ok well maybe a week, and then I get behind again.  It’s not my strong point at all.  But I’m determined to step up my game.  I CAN do this….I WILL do this!!    

Generally I’m one of those people that likes to start fresh on a new month or new week or even a new year but if I wait until the new year, I’ll be even that much more behind.  So, there is no better time than the present.  That means today I will start blogging again.  Some of my sessions are old, I mean REALLY old.  Like, last year.  BUT, since my style is the same, the only difference you may notice will be clarity.  I HAVE perfected the clarity of my photos over the past year.  Thank goodness!  

Be on the look out for lots of gorgeous clients.  Feel free to leave sweet comments ad let them know how awesome they look.  And I’m sorry in advance for hogging your feed! 


Have a great Sunday!!
